Here's a list of the latest changes on the site.
Special Release - February, 2024
- VS Code Theme Editor Extension Released. Read more.
V3.6 - December 18, 2023
- Bug fixes
- Added OKLAB and OKLCH for exports
- Added Export tab 'Gradient'
- Added Shades toggle option for CSS
V3.5 - December 1, 2023
- Default Site colors updated for December
- Improved color randomization to normalize generated color values using a new randomization pattern
- Bug fixes and improvements
- Saved undo and redo states in local storage so all pages share the same color history (you can go back to a previous palette even if you're on a new page)
- Color picker bug fix (lightness or saturation of 0 doesn't turn hue to 0 anymore)
- Added Bootstrap to custom code presets and fixed SkeletonUI code issue
V3.3.1 - October 4, 2023
- Default site colors and fonts updated for October
- Added foreground color variables for custom exports
- Minor UI Updates
- Minor bug fixes
V3.3 - October 3, 2023
- Minor bug fixes
- Responsiveness improvements
V3.2 - September 30, 2023
- Ability to export the foreground colors of primary, secondary, and accent in the custom code section. Read more.
- Added more custom presets
V3.1 - September 26, 2023
- Expanded custom code variables including variables for Material Colors and specific color properties like saturation in HSL, etc.
- Bug fixes and minor improvements
- Adding Fonts in the URL for sharing
- Adding Undo / Redo for Fonts
- Adding more custom presets
- Listing local fonts in the font dropdown for ease of use
V3 - September 24, 2023
- Expanded Font Setup options: Font Randomization, Locking, Type Scale, Font Export for CSS and Tailwind
- New Templates: Dashboard and Blog Post
- Custom code export
- Shades options for Tailwind color export
- Toggle switches in color export to export both themes (dark and light) at the same time
- Color exports now available in 5 formats of HEX, RGB, HSL, LAB, and LCH
- Eyedropper for color picker
- Updated contrast checker symbols (changed from color to symbol)
- Color input available in HEX, RGB, and HSL
- Updated shortcuts based on community request
- Removed the Palette Generator page temporarily for updates to the styling and functionality
- Changed text selection color to a neutral color so it would be visible on all color palettes
- Changed main font family of the site from Inter to Poppins
V2.2 - July 28, 2023
- Bug fixes for the light/dark mode switching
- Bringing back realtime color updates to the colorpicker. It won't work while moving the mouse, but when you release the mouse.
V2.1 - July 11, 2023
Updates to the randomization and locking features:
- Improved night/dark mode switching
- Improved locking and randomization
- Fixed minor bugs
The calculation of accent color contrast was also just updated to be more accurate in contrast with the site background color and secondary color, since it's mostly a graphical object and UI component, not a textual element.
V2 - July 5, 2023
Massive updates for much requested features, including:
- Custom color picker with full browser support
- Dark/Light modes
- Loading both local and Google fonts just by typing the font name in Font Setup
- RGB and HSL values for CSS, Tailwind CSS, and SCSS.
- QR Code generator for viewing the colors on other devices quickly
- Shade generator (in export options)
- Ability to select the color scheme for randomization
Updated on December 1, 2023