
Do you want to contribute to Realtime Colors? Do you have some feedback, suggestions, or just some casual opinions?

First of all, I really appreciate it. Realtime Colors could've never done it without your support.

Here are some ways to help make this site awesome.

I have some suggestions

You can submit your suggestions, feature requests, and bug reports in 3 ways:

  • Email me at
  • GitHub Issues: Just open a new issue using the feature request / bug report template, and it'll be updated once the feature is released.
  • Submit a form: Quickly send your requests through a Google Form.

Is this project open to code/design contributions?

At the moment, no. Things might change in the future, so make sure to stay tuned!

Can I write about this tool?

Definitely! That would help so many creative projects, and your article could get a chance to be featured here.

I'd like to buy Realtime Colors a coffee

First of all, that's flattering! Realtime Colors is a free tool, and I'm working to keep it 100% free and available to everyone. Therefore, I mostly just rely on your support. If you'd like to help this way, you can buy a coffee through the link below. Your help is very much appreciated!

Updated on June 8, 2023