Palette Generator
On the Palette Generator, you can select one main color and view 9 different palettes to help inspire you.
These palettes are based on 9 different color schemes. The terms monochromatic, complementary, analogous, triadic, split complementary, double split complementary, square, compound, and shades are color schemes for design. Each of them refers to a type of color combination Here are the full definitions:
- Monochromatic means the colors originate from the same hue, except they are different tints and shades of that hue.
- Complementary means the colors are the opposite of each other's hues.
- Triadic is similar to complementary, except considering 2 opposites for a color instead of one.
- Analogous refers to colors that are adjacent/close to each other.
- Square refers to schemes in which there is one main color and some other colors on the color wheel 90deg apart from each other.
- Compound means the scheme selects one main color and two adjacent colors next to its complementary color.
- Split complementary and double-split complementary each take two/four colors around the main color that would correspond to the opposite side of each other.
Besides this, the tool also randomizes the lightness of each color in the palettes to give you broader options. This way, you can find a compatible background color, text color, or accent color that doesn't necessarily have the same lightness value as your main color.
Palette Generator Features
There are other features available on the palette generator as well, including:
- Export allows you to download a .zip file including the HEX values of all the 9 palettes in a .txt file, plus 9 .png files for each palette.
- Randomization generates a random main color and 9 randomly generated palettes for it.
- Copying HEX Values is an easy way to grab a color and try it on the Realtime Colors home page using the HEX color input. You can do so by hovering over a color.

Future Considerations
In the near future, the following features will be added upon the community request:
- Undo and Redo (like on the home page)
- HEX input
- Export file naming (like on the home page)
- Ability to save palettes
- More accessible color picker
For more info on this, check out Issues & Releases
Updated on June 8, 2023