Visualize Your
Colors & Fonts
On a Real Site

Choosing colors or typography for your website?
Use the Toolbar below to realize your choices.

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Why Realtime Colors?

Saves time

No need to spend hours implementing different variations of colors. Decide right away!

It’s Realistic

Color Palettes make it hard to pick. This tool distributes the colors on a real website.

It’s simple

Push a few buttons, and there you have it! Your very own branding colors, ready to export.

How Does it Work?

Get your personalized color palette in 4 steps.

Start with two neutral colors for the text and the background.

Choose your primary and secondary colors. Primary is for main CTAs and sections, and Secondary is for less important buttons and info cards.

Accent color is an additional color. It appears in images, highlights, hyperlinks, boxes, cards, etc.

Happy with the results? Press on β€œExport” and choose among different options to export in various formats, like .zip, .png, CSS, SCSS, QR Code, and more.

Plans & Pricing

The tool is 100% free! This is just a generic section.



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What (imaginary) people are saying about this site.
Cool User
Product Designer

"Wow! I love this site. Realtime Colors is all websites at the same time."

Creative Person
Product Owner

"Amazing. I found my favorite colors in literally... 2 minutes? Woah! Totally real review."

Real Reviewer

"Astonished. This product is so cool. You should try it and upgrade to Enterprise plan. No kidding."


Answers to some questions you might have.
How many colors should I choose?

Normally, 3 colors are absolutely fine (meaning background, text, and one accent color).
However, if you want, you can have more. Usually, we don’t add more than 6 colors across a platform. It would just make things too... complicated. Plus, it makes it hard to keep the colors consistent throughout the design.

How does the contrast checker work?

The contrast checker shows the contrast ratio between the selected color and its background/foreground.

The contrast checker has 3 lights:

  • x / Red: The contrast ratio does not pass either AAA or AA. Therefore, both large and normal texts are hardly readable.
  • - / Yellow: The contrast ratio might pass AA but won't pass AAA. Large texts might be readable but normal texts are probably not readable.
  • βœ“ / Green: The contrast ratio passes both AA and AAA. Both large and normal texts are readable.

Learn more about the contrast checker.

What does the hero image represent?

The hero image is inspired by Piet Mondrian's Composition with Large Red Plane, Yellow, Black, Grey and Blue. This composition keeps the ratio of the main colors (red, blue, and yellow) very close to the 60-30-10 rule of UI design. This is mainly why I've chosen this composition to visualize the distribution of the colors on the page.

How can I set up the fonts?

You can enter the name of a font from Google Fonts or the fonts installed on your device. Read more about Font Setup.

Can I use the generated colors commercially?

Yes! You can use the colors you generate here however you'd like, commercially or non-commercially (I don't own the colors/fonts). The license only applies to the source code and materials specific to this website.

How can I learn more about this tool?

You can find more information about Realtime Colors on the Docs. You can also contact me for any questions you might have.

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Colors Color Setup
(Alt + T)
Randomize Colors

Select a color scheme

Split Complementary
(← Left arrow)
(Right arrow β†’)
(CTRL + E)
Fonts Font Setup

Enter font name (local or Google )

Learn more or Troubleshoot

Enter font name (local or Google )

Learn more or Troubleshoot
Type Scale

Select a type scale

1.067 – Minor Second
1.125 – Major Second
1.200 – Minor Third
1.250 – Major Third
1.333 – Perfect Fourth
1.414 – Augmented Fourth
1.500 – Perfect Fifth
1.618 – Golden Ratio
Randomize Fonts

Select a font category

Sans Serif
(← Left arrow)
(Right arrow β†’)
(CTRL + E)